In-store marketing platform

The Retail Industry’s Most Advanced Mobile Presence Management and Marketing Platform. An in-store mobile marketing platform that helps retailers attract consumers while they shop in retail stores.

The problem

What's Platform Swirl Platform?

A tool that helps stores grab shoppers' attention, both while they're in the shop and later when they're browsing online.



A leading provider of beacon-powered mobile marketing to large-scale retailers, brand advertisers and publishers. Beacons are Bluetooth-powered sensors that may be installed on walls to detect nearby devices.

How can retailers effectively engage customers in-store and increase sales?


  • Retailers struggle to capture shoppers' attention in physical stores

  • Traditional marketing methods are becoming less effective

  • Customers often use smartphones while shopping, but this isn't leveraged

How it works:

  1. Bluetooth-powered sensors (beacons),Wifi are installed throughout the store

  2. Beacons detect nearby smartphones

  3. When a customer enters a specific area, the system triggers personalized messages

  4. Geofences outside of the store capture users before and after they leave the store.

  5. Customers receive relevant offers or product information on their phones


My Role

I was the lead product designer for Swirl Platform – an internal one stop shop and workspace for instore retail managers attract consumers while they shop in retail stores.

time frame

Q2 2018


Product design, Stakeholder management, interactive prototying, User research & Testing

Harnessing the power of the weather

3 ways to target your ads using the weather powered by Accuweather

  1. Days Range
    specify up to +/-five days (past and future) by dragging the TODAY slider to the left and/or right along the slider timeline.

  2. Build Concatenated Conditions
    using either the AND or OR specifier by toggling the AND/OR selector in the upper right corner of the window.

  3. Combine Weather Conditions
    Deliver precise weather moment creative to the device's location. Providing relvent creative to consumer.

Tailor Creative Based on Local Weather Conditions.

Swirl’s Weather Condition Builder makes it easy to set rules for creative delivery based on local weather conditions. In-store mobile experiences can be tailored for current or forecasted weather conditions up to 5 days in the future. Custom-built weather conditions rely on Accuweather powered data for criteria including temperature, wind, precipitation, UV index, pollen count and more.

Retailers can take advantage of this weather targeting to deliver in-store mobile experiences from their own mobile app, from the Accuweather app and from Google Nearby notifications, Google’s beacon-triggered notification service available on all Android smartphones.

Weather-Based Targeting Option set for the Ad:

Next 90 Days , Pollen count is high.

Weather-Based Targeting Option set for the Ad:

Next 30 Days , When it is Sunny or Cloudy, and Temperature is above 75 Degrees.

Weather-Based Targeting Option set for the Ad:

Next 6 months , When it is Night or it is Cloudy.

How Swirl leverages UI to empower users with weather-based ad creative:

Sprint Artifacts

Desired Design Sprint outcome:

Why are we doing that?

  • A future state of what project pulse could look like

  • Organize source or ingest of Pulses.

  • Have a working prototype that helps the customer improve the education

  • With that prototype we ideate - prototype and test. And... Repeat, and... Repeat until we have something that works for our users.

Final Sprint Prototype to test with:


A delighted customer enjoys a glass of AquaFlow's refreshing water, knowing it comes from a pristine mountain stream.

Proof2 Evidence

Sprint Artifacts

Desired Design Sprint outcome:

Why are we doing that?

  • A future state of what project merlin looks like

  • Identified highest priority needs our solution should meet

  • Have a working prototype that helps the customer identify the optimal format for learning

  • With that prototype we ideate - prototype and test. And... Repeat, and... Repeat until we have something that works for our users.

Final Sprint Prototype to test with:

AquaFlow's convenient home and office delivery service ensures that customers have access to pure mountain spring water without the hassle of carrying heavy bottles.

Proof3 Evidence

Sprint Artifacts

Desired Design Sprint outcome:

Why are we doing that?

  • Future state of Atlas

  • Identify a way to deliver content as close to the learner action as much as possible

  • Have a prototype we can iterate and expand upon

Final Sprint Prototype to test with:


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i'm open for freelance projects, feel free to email me to see how can we collaborate

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i'm open for freelance projects, feel free to email me to see how can we collaborate

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i'm open for freelance projects, feel free to email me to see how can we collaborate

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i'm open for freelance projects, feel free to email me to see how can we collaborate

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